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#181 22/02/2014 19:54:26

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

[yt code=QNlLqvZPfI8]

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#182 26/04/2014 21:42:57

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#183 08/05/2014 07:39:38

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Devin vient de poster des vidéos de l'enregistrement du double album Z2 / DTP :
[yt code=JTANnepUI5U]

[yt code=q82Kaj6pGJo]

[yt code=5auPE54u2BU]

A noter que Ryan Van Poederooyen a enregistré ses parties de batterie pour les 2 albums en 2 jours !!!!

Ryan a écrit:

A personal record is complete. Two albums recorded in two days. One is space metal, absolutely crazy and technical, the other is heavy rock with some cool grooves and fills. What an experience that I hope to never revisit again My brother Jay dialed in the biggest drum sound I've ever recorded in my life. What a bloody talent he is. Stoked and relieved. At LAX in Los Angeles and ready to fly home and sleep for a week Mission complete!


source : http://www.bravewords.com/news/222017

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#184 29/07/2014 16:36:05

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#185 04/08/2014 08:47:43

Dances of death  
Inscrit(e): 18/07/2011
Messages: 214

Re: Devin Townsend

Excellente cette affiche applause

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#186 25/07/2015 15:54:23

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

DEVIN TOWNSEND fait tout sauf s'économiser.

Le canadien a ainsi déclaré sur Twitter qu'il avait écrit un nouvel album pour le Devin Townsend Project, au cours de cette dernière année.

Il a également annoncé avoir terminé les grandes lignes d'un autre projet, une symphonie qui représenterait un travail assez colossal.
Un orchestrateur le rejoindra à  Vancouver en janvier, ils travailleront ensemble pendant 2 mois ; l'enregistrement de ce projet devrait s'étaler sur au moins un an.

Il est prévu que l'album du Devin Townsend Project sorte en premier.

source : http://www.vs-webzine.com/InfoVS-DEVIN+TOWNSEND+fait+tout+sauf+s%27%C3%A9conomiser.Le+canadie-80988.html

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#187 30/09/2015 18:41:58

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend va sortir Ziltoid live au Royal Albert Hall le 13 novembre prochain


The release will arrive on several formats including an artbook of 44 pages including the entire concert as well as extensive behind-the-scenes bonus footage and a full documentary, pressed on 3 CDs, 2 DVDs and a Blu Ray Disc, as Special Edition Digipak with 3 CDs and a DVD and as BluRay including the entire show and bonus material.

source : http://bravewords.com/news/devin-townsend-project-to-release-ziltoid-live-at-the-royal-albert-hall-3cd-2dvd-set

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#188 02/10/2015 17:39:00

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend Presents: Ziltoid Live at the Royal Albert Hall Ltd. Deluxe Artbook
PRE-ORDER – Released 13/11/2015

This product is available as a preorder item and will be shipped week commencing 06/11/2015. You will be charged for this purchase when you checkout. If you order a pre-order item and regular items they will be shipped to you when all the items are available.

1 Z²
2 From Sleep Awake
3 Ziltoidian Empire
4 War Princess
5 Deathray
6 March of the Poozers
7 Wandering Eye
8 Earth
9 Ziltoid Goes Home
10 Through The Wormhole
11 Dimension Z

1 Namaste
2 Night
3 Deadhead
4 Earth Day
5 Christeen
6 Supercrush!
7 Kingdom
8 Lucky Animals

1 Heatwave
2 Funeral
3 Bastard
4 The Death Of Music3
5 Universal Flame

1 Z²
2 From Sleep Awake
3 Ziltoidian Empire
4 War Princess
5 Deathray
6 March Of The Poozers
7 Wandering Eye
8 Earth
9 Ziltoid Goes Home
10 Through The Wormhole
11 Dimension Z
12 Namaste
13 Night
14 Deadhead
15 Earth Day
16 Christeen
17 Supercrush!
18 Kingdom
19 Lucky Animals
20 Heatwave
21 Funeral
22 Bastard
23 The Death Of Music
24 Universal Flame

DVD2 – Bonus Features
-The World of Ziltoid – Documentary
-All three Ziltoid TV episodes!
-March of The Poozers (Mike Zimmer Music Video)
-Royal Albert Hall - Time Lapse Feature

1 Z²
2 From Sleep Awake
3 Ziltoidian Empire
4 War Princess
5 Deathray
6 March Of The Poozers
7 Wandering Eye
8 Earth
9 Ziltoid Goes Home
10 Through The Wormhole
11 Dimension Z
12 Namaste
13 Night
14 Deadhead
15 Earth Day
16 Christeen
17 Supercrush!
18 Kingdom
19 Lucky Animals
20 Heatwave
21 Funeral
22 Bastard
23 The Death Of Music
24 Universal Flame
Bonus Features
-The World of Ziltoid – Documentary
-All three Ziltoid TV episodes!
-March of The Poozers (Mike Zimmer Music Video)
-Royal Albert Hall - Time Lapse Feature


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#189 24/10/2015 06:53:01

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#190 27/10/2015 17:25:32

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

[yt code=wyPfrbJKMpg]

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#191 04/11/2015 21:58:36

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

[yt code=DrDM6V08wcE]

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#192 06/04/2016 15:27:29

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Les pré-commandes de la biographie Only Half There de Devin Townsend sont ouvertes sur  http://devintownsendbook.com

Voici le détail de la chose :



... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#193 06/04/2016 20:18:21

Lieu : Lyon
Inscrit(e): 11/09/2015
Messages: 15 345

Re: Devin Townsend

Belles pièces ! applause

Prix Janick Gers 2015 & prix Eddie 2016

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#194 07/04/2016 04:37:37

Lieu : Lyon
Inscrit(e): 12/07/2011
Messages: 65 277

Re: Devin Townsend


« N'écoutant que son courage, qui ne lui disait rien, il se garda d'intervenir. » - Jules Renard
--- Prix Steve Harris 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 et 2021 --- big_smile merci, merci !!!

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#195 05/05/2016 19:23:18

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 967
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Yes, Anneke bosse de nouveau avec Devin !


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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