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#76 16/05/2014 20:21:52

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

YEEEEEEAAAAHH !!!!! Got it !

kikithehead a écrit:

SUPURATION - Still in the sphere (CD EP Digipack) -> Kikithehead

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#77 19/05/2014 21:31:22

ead666  Homme
Lieu : Marseille, France
Age : 52
Inscrit(e): 24/10/2007
Messages: 30 936
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

SATAN - Into The Future / Suspended Sentence (CD - SPV - 1987) --> ead666

==> trouvé smile youpi

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#78 20/05/2014 11:54:24

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

Premier post édité.

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#79 10/06/2014 17:24:17

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

kikithehead a écrit:

Supuration - 9092

Supuration - 90-92 - Unfortunately this item has been deleted and is no longer available. It has been cancelled from your order and you have not been charged.  Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Du coup :
SUPURATION : 9092 -> Kikithehead

Dernière édition de: kikithehead (10/06/2014 19:04:57)

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#80 10/06/2014 18:46:19

ead666  Homme
Lieu : Marseille, France
Age : 52
Inscrit(e): 24/10/2007
Messages: 30 936
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables


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#81 06/07/2014 19:42:37

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

Supuration et Gamma Ray commandés smile

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#82 12/07/2014 12:24:39

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

SUP - Anomaly (CD digipack first press) -> kikithehead

Supuration - Supuration - The Cube (CD digipack first press)

Dernière édition de: kikithehead (12/07/2014 12:45:31)

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#83 12/07/2014 14:47:45

ead666  Homme
Lieu : Marseille, France
Age : 52
Inscrit(e): 24/10/2007
Messages: 30 936
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

Le 2nd press de 1998 t'intéresse pas ?

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#84 12/07/2014 15:12:31

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

98 ? Connais pas. Tu parles pour lequel ?

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#85 12/07/2014 15:16:35

ead666  Homme
Lieu : Marseille, France
Age : 52
Inscrit(e): 24/10/2007
Messages: 30 936
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

The Cube

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#86 12/07/2014 15:35:25

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

Ah, ok, non je l'ai celle-là .

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#87 16/07/2014 18:00:16

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

kikithehead a écrit:

Supuration - Supuration - The Cube (CD digipack first press)

Trouvé smile

Dernière édition de: kikithehead (16/07/2014 18:00:33)

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#88 31/07/2014 12:08:52

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

kikithehead a écrit:

SOLSTICE : "Solstice" (1992) , CD -> Voivodian
SOLSTICE : "Pray" (1995) , CD -> Voivodian

Je t'envoie un MP wink

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#89 31/07/2014 20:17:18

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

kikithehead a écrit:

FATES WARNING - Night On Brocken (version LP ou CD si ça existe) -> Jchristophe

y'en a plein sur Discogs wink

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#90 01/08/2014 18:33:41

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 984
Site Web

Re: [ENTRAIDE] Raretés et indénichables

kikithehead a écrit:

VIO-LENCE : "Eternal nightmare" (1988) , Vinyle -> Voivodian

Checke tes MPs wink

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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