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#1 10/08/2020 05:25:06

Angus  Homme
Lieu : Nîmes (30)/Montpellier (34)
Age : 41
Inscrit(e): 26/08/2009
Messages: 9 686

RIP Martin Birch

Martin Birch, légendaire producteur de groupes comme Rainbow, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath et Deep Purple nous a quitté.
Il était également le légendaire producteur de tous les albums d’Iron Maiden de 1981 à 1992 (de Killers à Fear of the Dark). Il a consacré ces années à la vierge de fer, refusant notamment des collaborations prestigieuses avec Metallica sur ce qui deviendra le Black Album.

Modérateur du forum
---- Eddie's Award 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019  Rod Smallwood's Award 2015, 2018 et 2021 ---

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#2 10/08/2020 06:45:34

Lieu : Aude - France
Age : 54
Inscrit(e): 14/08/2015
Messages: 28 885

Re: RIP Martin Birch

rip sad icon_cry

- Prix Nicko Mc Brain 2017, 2020 - Prix Adrian Smith 2022

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#3 10/08/2020 08:51:32

Inscrit(e): 02/01/2008
Messages: 6 250

Re: RIP Martin Birch

RIP et merci pour tout ces albums! icon_cry

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#4 10/08/2020 08:53:41

Narchost  Homme
Lieu : Saint Martin de Crau (13)
Age : 35
Inscrit(e): 18/01/2008
Messages: 29 831

Re: RIP Martin Birch

RIP icon_cry icon_cry

Prix Steve Harris 2010, 2012 et 2022 big_smile !!
Prix Bruce Dickinson 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 et 2022 big_smile !!

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#5 10/08/2020 09:30:45

Dedalus  Homme
Lieu : Liège
Age : 47
Inscrit(e): 26/08/2018
Messages: 453

Re: RIP Martin Birch

sad Triste nouvelle

Un homme de l'ombre particulièrement doué dans son métier

Bruce's book tour 2019 (Anvers, 24/02/2019) - Blaze Bayley / Absolva (Verviers, 15/03/2019, 22/04/2022 et 01/03/2024) - Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast (Paris, 26/06/2022) - Paul Di'Anno (Diest, 06/12/2023)

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#6 10/08/2020 12:35:57

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 524

Re: RIP Martin Birch


I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#7 10/08/2020 17:01:06

Narchost  Homme
Lieu : Saint Martin de Crau (13)
Age : 35
Inscrit(e): 18/01/2008
Messages: 29 831

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Toujours rien de la part de Maiden icon_rolleyes icon_rolleyes

Prix Steve Harris 2010, 2012 et 2022 big_smile !!
Prix Bruce Dickinson 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 et 2022 big_smile !!

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#8 10/08/2020 17:16:21

Lieu : Lille
Inscrit(e): 27/03/2009
Messages: 11 216

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Bien triste nouvelle sad
C'est une figure de l'histoire de MAIDEN qui disparaît
Effectivement , un sacré C.V. quand on voit la qualité des groupes qu'il a produit
Sans vouloir faire injure à Kevin Shirley , Martin Birch restera toutefois,  LE producteur historique de MAIDEN

Mieux vaut etre bourré que con , ça dure moins longtemps !

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#9 10/08/2020 17:38:36

Inscrit(e): 01/02/2008
Messages: 699

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Une figure historique et incontournable des grandes années de Maiden, à jeu égal avec un Derek Riggs...
Très triste, il avait insufflé un tel son... Un tel regard sur des albums historiques. Il aura toujours manqué après Fear of the dark (ou il n'était d'ailleurs "que" co-producteur)...

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#10 10/08/2020 19:28:28

sergent eddie  Homme
Lieu : bourbon l'archambault
Age : 45
Inscrit(e): 01/03/2013
Messages: 32 531

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Triste nouvelle. Un grand nom du rock s en va icon_cry

"born to lose, lived to win"
"nous sommes tous des enfants d'immigrés.1ère, 2ème,3ème génération" BXN

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#11 10/08/2020 19:47:00

infrared  Homme
Lieu : In a Strange Land (92)
Age : 48
Inscrit(e): 01/06/2015
Messages: 1 111

Re: RIP Martin Birch

RIP Martin icon_cry

Eddie Lives

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#12 11/08/2020 07:20:19

Lieu : Aude - France
Age : 54
Inscrit(e): 14/08/2015
Messages: 28 885

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Sur le site iron maiden :

A man of many nicknames… and simply one of the greatest people we have ever worked with.

Steve Harris:

“He was just absolutely brilliant. He wasn’t just a producer, he was a hands-on engineer too, so he knew how to get a great sound. He was also fantastic at motivating people; he just had a knack of getting the best out of you. He was also a really nice man, great fun with a terrific sense of humour and that made him easy to work with. We all got along with him really well and the whole band is very saddened by today’s news.”

Bruce Dickinson:

“To me, Martin was a mentor who completely transformed my singing: he was a psychotherapist and in his own words a juggler who could mirror exactly what a band was. That was his special talent as a producer. He was not a puppeteer, he did not manipulate the sound of the band, he just reflected it in the best possible way. Apart from all of that he was a wonderful, warm & funny human being. Martin & I shared a passion for martial arts – he for karate and me for fencing which gave us another bond too. I’m so very sad to hear this news, it’s incredible that he has passed away at such a young age for a man who was so full of life.”

Rod Smallwood:

“He was a fantastic guy who always shared a mutual respect with the band. He never, ever, let us down in the studio. He was a true gentleman and he will be hugely missed by everyone in the Maiden Family."

Albums produced by Martin Birch:

1981 – Killers
1982 – The Number of the Beast
1983 – Piece of Mind
1984 – Powerslave
1985 – Live After Death
1986 – Somewhere in Time
1988 – Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
1990 – No Prayer for the Dying
1992 – Fear of the Dark
1994 – Maiden England '88

- Prix Nicko Mc Brain 2017, 2020 - Prix Adrian Smith 2022

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#13 11/08/2020 08:14:04

pierick  Homme
Age : 45
Inscrit(e): 01/11/2010
Messages: 31 030

Re: RIP Martin Birch


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#14 11/08/2020 15:22:30

Lieu : Lyon
Inscrit(e): 12/07/2011
Messages: 65 361

Re: RIP Martin Birch


« N'écoutant que son courage, qui ne lui disait rien, il se garda d'intervenir. » - Jules Renard
--- Prix Steve Harris 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 et 2021 --- big_smile merci, merci !!!

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#15 12/08/2020 15:18:08

Lieu : Morbihan
Inscrit(e): 15/02/2012
Messages: 3 366
Site Web

Re: RIP Martin Birch

Trop triste ! Quelle année...

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