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#1 28/01/2011 10:42:09

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

J'ai pas vu de sujet sur ce génie, touche-à -tout ! Je profite de la news suivante pour en ouvrir un wink

VS a écrit:

Le producteur/chanteur/multi-instrumentiste/homme à  tout faire, DEVIN TOWNSEND (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, STEVE VAI, LAMB OF GOD, DARKEST HOUR, GWAR) a annoncé qu'il sortira un nouvel EP Live la semaine prochaine. Il sera totalement gratuit, et uniquement disponible via téléchargement, sur le site du label Century Media. Plus d'infos seront communiquées prochainement... (..::Ju::..)

Source : http://www.vs-webzine.com/news.php?page=news_comment-single&id_news=44250

C'est vraisemblablement le Live à  Baltimore Mixé par Brett (Kalisia)

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#2 31/01/2011 18:16:43

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend a écrit:

Hey guys, the 'ep' (so to speak) thats coming out next week is just a little taster, it was done during the BTBAM tour and was the first tour as the band, I think it's pretty solid, but it's not an 'official release' or anything, it's just an avenue for folks to get ahold of the recordings that Brett did...

The crowd was pretty disinterested that night, so there's quite a lot of swearing and me being a jack-ass, just fyi icon_confused

The tracks are

Truth, 1/2 of Om
By Your Command

The Tuska festival will be streaming on Peaveys site in the next few months, and the Namm show got mixed up all spiffy for a video stream on Mackies site at the same time.

...keeps things interesting. Enjoy!

source : http://www.hevydevyforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=9834&p=254973#p254973

Confirmation du Live à  Baltimore en téléchargement gratuit cette semaine sur le site de Century Media smile

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#3 31/01/2011 20:30:20

Lieu : Santa Mondega
Inscrit(e): 28/11/2009
Messages: 6 155

Re: Devin Townsend

Merci Kiki pour les infos. wink

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#4 31/01/2011 20:47:50

maidenrules91  Homme
Lieu : essonne
Age : 31
Inscrit(e): 25/01/2008
Messages: 2 444

Re: Devin Townsend

alors ce cher Devin je l'ai découvert cette année par des potes de ma classe qui sont plutôt branché prog' que metal pur et dur.
Au départ j'étais un peu septique vu qu'à  la base je ne suis pas fan de metal progressif mais je dois dire que depuis un certain temps je commence à  m'y intéresser plus sérieusement(opeth,porcupine tree,dream theater...) et en particulier à  cet "individu"(je crois que c'est le bon terme big_smile) complètement barge, doté d'un incroyable talent de composition et d'influences très diversifiées. j'ai écouté l'album "ziltoid the omnicient", un concept album entièrement composé et écrit et produit par lui même(il a même fait la batterie grâce à  un logiciel)l  qui raconte la vie d'un alien parcourant le monde à  la recherche d'une tasse de café spéciale qui lui permet de voyager dans le temps. un album magique qui mixe des gros riff metal et des gros blast  avec des atmosphères très prog ,sombres et très expérimentales,auquel s'ajoute des textes et une histoire unique et originale. smile

Iron What?...Iron fucking Maiden That's What!

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#5 31/01/2011 20:59:40

Lieu : Lille
Inscrit(e): 27/03/2009
Messages: 11 216

Re: Devin Townsend

This is Ziltoid the omniscient

Mieux vaut etre bourré que con , ça dure moins longtemps !

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#6 31/01/2011 21:49:09

where eagles dare  
Lieu : Rouen
Inscrit(e): 22/02/2008
Messages: 892

Re: Devin Townsend

Oui il a une bonne tronche! En tout cas j'ai eu une bonne impression du disque que j'avais entendu chez mon disquaire.

Probably the best b(r)and in the world.
Je change souvent d'avatar parce qu'il y a plusieurs groupes ou autres choses que j'aime, vous êtes prévenus tongue

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#7 31/01/2011 22:00:02

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
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Re: Devin Townsend

Les cheveux sur le marionnette, sont les vrai cheveux de Devin ! Il s'agit de ses dreads qu'il avait coupées avant de se raser le crâne smile

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#8 31/01/2011 22:04:32

Lieu : Pet Sematary
Inscrit(e): 26/01/2009
Messages: 861

Re: Devin Townsend

Mike+Patton+mikepatton.jpg [large]+[/large] ESPEX401DXElectricGuitar.jpg



C'est pas plus compliqué, Devin Townsend c'est le génie et la folie créatrice de Mike Patton mais la guitare en plus.
Bref tous les album sur lesquels à  partciper de près ou de loin Devin sont indispensable, avec comme même un top 3 qui regroupe :
Devin Townsend : Ocean Machine
SYL : City
Steve Vai : Sex & Religion

3 album indispensable pour la culture métal en général et pour permettre de rentre dans l'univers du Divin, euh Devin je veux dire.........

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#9 01/02/2011 13:38:27

Lieu : Lille
Inscrit(e): 27/03/2009
Messages: 11 216

Re: Devin Townsend

Je serais curieux d'entendre un projet réunissant ces 2 maitres de la zique
J'imagine ce que donnerait une "dream team" comme celle-ci :

Mike Patton : chant
Devin Towndend : guitare
Denis "Piggy" d'Amour(R.I.P.) : guitare
Steve DiGiorgio : basse
Dave Lombardo : batterie

Mieux vaut etre bourré que con , ça dure moins longtemps !

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#10 01/02/2011 16:41:44

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

C'est confirmé, Ihsahn (Emperor) a bien enregistré des vocaux pour Decontruction, le prochaine album de Devin Townsend, qui devrait sortir courant avril :

Bravewords a écrit:

Former EMPEROR frontman IHSAHN has contributed vocals to Canadian musician/producer Devin Townsend's (THE DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, STEVE VAI) new Deconstruction album.

"I have been a long time fan of Devin and his work," Ihsahn states, "and when he asked me to do some vocals for his upcoming Deconstruction album, I said yes right away. Devin is one of those few uncompromising artists who goes anywhere with their music, wherever that takes them. Nothing but respect!"

Townsend recently announced that Jens Bogren (OPETH, KATATONIA, BLOODBATH) will mix Deconstruction - the third album in a series to be released under The Devin Townsend Project moniker.

Townsend adds: "Need to join forces for choir and symphony elements. Beautiful album, deserves care."

The mixing sessions will take place in late February at Fascination Street studio in à–rebro, Sweden.

The Devin Townsend Project's third and fourth CDs - Deconstruction and Ghost - are scheduled to be released in April.

Deconstruction "is brutal in a lot of parts, but pretty glorious in others," he stated recently. "It rides the fence of negativity but ultimately ends supremely positive." About Ghost, Townsend says the album is “not dark at all."

Townsend adds: "There are two drummers on Deconstruction; Ryan Van Poederooyen (TERROR SYNDROME, The Devin Townsend Band) for the crushing stuff, and Dirk Verbeuren (SOILWORK, SCARVE, ABORTED) for the inhuman stuff. This is a record I have been working up to for some time, and while doing it, I realize that not only am I in control of it, but that this newfound control allows me to take it to places I would have never been able to a decade ago. I pretty much believe that this will be one of our finest hours, and although there is some funny moments, it's a pretty pointed record."

source : http://www.bravewords.com/news/155203

Dernière édition de: kikithehead (01/02/2011 16:42:13)

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#11 06/02/2011 21:35:53

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

Octillus a écrit:
kikithehead a écrit:

Haven't seen it on the CM website. Any news ?

Yeah, for label reasons, Wednesday.

Donc le live sera dispo mercredi smile
source : http://hevydevyforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=9834&p=255478#p255478

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#12 07/02/2011 13:14:44

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
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Re: Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend a écrit:

Watching a 60 piece orchestra set up and be confused by songs about masturbating and cheeseburgers. epic.


source : Devin sur facebook

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#13 07/02/2011 13:50:20

where eagles dare  
Lieu : Rouen
Inscrit(e): 22/02/2008
Messages: 892

Re: Devin Townsend

Bravo tongue

Probably the best b(r)and in the world.
Je change souvent d'avatar parce qu'il y a plusieurs groupes ou autres choses que j'aime, vous êtes prévenus tongue

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#14 10/02/2011 13:53:37

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

The Dev a écrit:

Getting the labels etc put up the free ep turned into 15 people making 20 decisions.

It's coming, it's coming... from now on, I'd love to use SoundCloud. I can have stuff up that day. Everybody wants to get exposure out of it, but it's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A BIG DEAL.

Faaaakkkk... it's cool they are letting me do it and I understand why business wants to do it this way, but it makes me look like a jackass when I tell people what they tell me and it doesn't happen on schedule. Same thing happened with Rockband and I get so frustrated.

I understand though, I understand...things take time in a democracy.

'any day now' is the answer I'm given. Sorry.

I'll just post this stuff myself from now on... they just get pissed.  sad

source : http://www.hevydevyforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=9834&p=255778#p255778

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#15 10/02/2011 16:58:42

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Devin Townsend

[yt code=LtJkYyYMOZE]

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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