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#16 02/08/2011 17:01:34

Lieu : Côte d'Usure (06)
Inscrit(e): 10/01/2011
Messages: 5 869

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Il est vraiment incroyable ce mec !!! Il assure dans n'importe quelle situation !!! icon_eek


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#17 13/10/2011 07:06:22

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Strange Death In Paradise en live !!!
Sao Paulo 1995


I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#18 17/10/2011 19:18:43

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Bruce Dickinson - Live Italy 1994 (Acoustic Session)


I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#19 17/10/2011 19:26:13

Lieu : Côte d'Usure (06)
Inscrit(e): 10/01/2011
Messages: 5 869

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Merci beaucoup Mich !!! youpi storstark

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#20 09/01/2012 18:36:22

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce


Bruce Dickinson - Meltdown (Vosselaar 1996)

Dommage les videos ont été retirés.

Dernière édition de: 69mich69 (10/01/2012 15:55:17)

I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#21 10/01/2012 10:27:37

Lieu : Sthrashbourg
Inscrit(e): 29/12/2007
Messages: 3 848

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

ead666 a écrit:

Beaucoup de fans de Maiden dirent qu'il s'agissait de l'album que Maiden aurait du sortir ....

C'est vrai ,à  l'époque,mes potes et moi étions quasi unanimes sur le sujet...

Born to Binouze...      Live to Pils !!!  storstark

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#22 16/01/2012 14:34:28

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Bruce Dickinson - 2 minutes to Midnight - live Lahr 1997

Bruce  au top!!!

I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#23 27/04/2012 21:44:08

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Bruce Dickinson - interview + inertia acoustic



I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#24 14/05/2012 18:31:52

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Bruce Dickinson Band - Riding with the Angels
Avec un solo d'Adrian, la classe.


I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#25 24/07/2012 18:34:54

69mich69  Homme
Lieu : la terre
Age : 57
Inscrit(e): 31/03/2011
Messages: 12 618

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Bruce Dickinson (w. Adrian Smith) live 13 Dec. 1998,
Petit reportage sympa.

I want out, to live my life and to be free

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#26 27/08/2012 10:41:45

Lieu : Bordeaux
Inscrit(e): 01/03/2010
Messages: 4 595

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce


"Will British Lion free up other people in Maiden to do more solo stuff?
I think Bruce will do another one: we were talking about my album the other day and I think it got him thinking that it’s been 10 years since he last did one. So it’s probably time he did another one."

Yeaaah youpi

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#27 27/08/2012 10:48:42

Lieu : Caen
Inscrit(e): 03/04/2012
Messages: 1 072

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Très bonne nouvelle big_smile

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#28 27/08/2012 11:23:22

Inscrit(e): 05/06/2011
Messages: 10 315

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Cool ! smile

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#29 25/03/2013 18:27:58

Lieu : Dans un Donjon (95)
Inscrit(e): 06/02/2007
Messages: 6 313
Site Web

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

Hum...il y aurait-il de l'inspiration dans l'air... Henning Basse était à  Los Angeles début mars, notamment pour tourner avec Uli Jon Roth et dans une interview, voilà  ce qu'il déclare :

Meeting Bruce Dickinson in LA: Uli told me of course before, 'There might be a chance that Bruce Dickinson is coming up, and we have to jam with him, and you will be on stage with him singing his background vocals.' We wanted to do 'Mistreated' and 'Black Night,' and even maybe if he's in the mood for 'Run to the Hills'. So we were jamming that Run to the Hills song the night before. It didn't work out, because he was working with Roy Z the whole day doing this solo record*, and there wasn't any chance for him to sing live. I woke up, and I heard this really strong British accent in the back of the bus, so I came in and he was sitting there. He was really a gentleman, really down to earth, and we were chatting a bit and having a couple pictures.

[*As you see, this seems to be confirmation that Bruce Dickinson was working on a new solo album with Roy Z. as of March 2nd, the time of the LA gig.]

Alors ? youpi

>>>>>> ''Rock On Air'' <<<<<<

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#30 25/03/2013 19:40:46

maidenrules91  Homme
Lieu : essonne
Age : 31
Inscrit(e): 25/01/2008
Messages: 2 444

Re: Carrière solo de Bruce

c'est bon ça, j'avais adoré "Tyranny of souls" smile

Iron What?...Iron fucking Maiden That's What!

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