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#1 04/08/2015 08:41:48

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Gorod


GOROD (Technical Death Prog - France) sortira son 5ème album
A Maze of Recycled Creeds le 16 octobre chez Listenable records.

Voici son tracklisting:
1. Air de l'Ordre
2. Temple to the Art-God
3. Celestial Nature
4. Inner Alchemy
5. The Mystic Triad of Artistry
6. An Order to Reclaim
7. From Passion to Holiness
8. Dig into Yourself
9. Rejoice Your Soul
10. Syncretic Delirium
11. An Order to Reclaim (Alternative Version)

source : http://www.vs-webzine.com/InfoVS-GOROD+%28Technical+Death+Prog+++France%29+sortira+son+5%C3%A8me+album+-81196.html

Un extrait de l'album est en écoute, si vous suivez le lien wink

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#2 07/03/2017 17:59:09

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Gorod

gorod a écrit:


GOROD new EP "Kiss The Freak" available April 2017 !!!

This EP is the result of the craziest challenge we ever set ourselves.
In the end of 2016 we got an offer to take part in a european tour with Thrash Metal bands (Havok, Warbringer & Exmortus). The day before Christmas, we made the decision to release something new and that would fit with the bands involved in this upcoming tour...
We had only two months left to create the whole thing, music, lyrics and artwork. This extreme rush compelled us to work in a totally different way than usual and we had to get straight to the point. This is Gorod's most spontaneous piece of work since now twenty years of existence and we hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Thrash or be thrashed !!


source : Facebook Gorod

... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#3 21/03/2017 17:50:16

kikithehead  Homme
Age : 50
Inscrit(e): 25/08/2010
Messages: 13 964
Site Web

Re: Gorod

Extrait du nouvel EP :


... the cold grey sky, it was blue that day, but not as blue as I ...
- Skyclad

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#4 26/03/2017 21:41:07

Dances of death  
Inscrit(e): 18/07/2011
Messages: 214

Re: Gorod

Le chanson de cette vidéo me plait bien... c'est surement le côté "plus direct" de cette compo qui me parle plus que ce que le groupe propose habituellement.

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